Our Investigation

Investigations are not all the same.

Experience, training, and expertise make all the difference

Drawing from many years of investigative work, extensive investigation training, deep subject matter expertise, and expert investigation skills, we provide a high quality process and a full picture that requires no guesswork. And our thorough approach delivers deeper insights that help clients make the best decisions.

Driving a high quality process

  • With understanding and respect for the situation at hand, we craft an investigation plan that is focused in scope and helps minimize the impact on the organization and the people.
  • We ensure an impartial and thorough process that includes addressing nuanced and sensitive issues and anticipating where trauma informed concepts may apply.
  • We bring high level skills and expertise, with the ability to surface information with tact and finesse.
  • We treat everyone involved with dignity and respect, and approach cases with a sense of humility.
  • We meticulously gather, document, and evaluate relevant evidence from all sides, taking steps to safeguard the integrity and neutrality of the process.

A full picture without guesswork

  • We deliver an in-depth analysis with clearly communicated findings that are thorough, carefully reasoned, and well supported.
  • We make and explain specific credibility assessments, using evidence based factors.
  • Where applicable, we include a comprehensive comparative analysis, especially important in discrimination cases.
  • We detail the rationale for all of the findings (including findings of fact), offering full transparency for clients and eliminating the need for guesswork.
  • We provide a first rate work product with valuable insights that enable clients to more fully understand complex situations and make informed decisions.

Note on Title IX/campus matters: We ensure that the content of any investigation report conforms to the specific requirements of applicable policy.

For more information about our investigation services and credentials, visit our Workplace Investigations and Title IX and Campus Investigations pages.